
Poll Responses Show Frustration, Confusion

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The poll commissioned by the Orange County Transportation Commission (OCTC) to determine attitudes on transportation issues among 50 county business, community and political leaders found:

- A high level of frustration and confusion over a “lack of coordination between governing bodies and agencies.”

- A high level of “emotionality” on the issue among the respondents, leading to what the poll taker described as “emotionally charged solutions.”


- Inability by most respondents to define the primary role of the OCTC. Some could not define the responsibilities of other countywide transportation panels.

Among the other findings:

- A majority of the respondents think inadequate roads and freeways are the major contributor to traffic congestion in the county.

- More than half said the OCTC needs to better coordinate transportation planning among the state, county and cities and to come up with innovative funding programs.


- Only 13 respondents cited transportation agencies when asked who was responsible for solving the county’s traffic problems.

- Most often mentioned as the best methods of easing traffic congestion were building and widening freeways and encouraging alternative work hours. Also mentioned were housing close to employment centers, more car pool lanes and limiting truck traffic during peak commuting hours.

- Most often mentioned as effective methods to pay for transportation programs were toll roads, gas and sales taxes and developer fees.


The respondents were handpicked by the OCTC staff and may not represent the views of a larger group of their peers, according to the poll taker, Research Network Ltd. of Laguna Hills.
