
Vincennes Saves 5 Iran Fishermen Adrift for Week

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Associated Press

The Navy cruiser that mistakenly shot down an Iranian airliner last month has rescued five Iranian fishermen who had been adrift at sea for more than a week, the Pentagon said Monday.

The Vincennes spotted the five men drifting in a small dinghy Sunday night in the Gulf of Oman, said Lt. Col. Keith Schneider, a Pentagon spokesman.

At the time, the Vincennes was on a routine patrol in the Gulf of Oman just below the entrance to the Persian Gulf at the Strait of Hormuz, Schneider added.


“Their fishing boat had reportedly sunk eight days before, and they were afloat in a small dinghy,” the spokesman said.

“The fishermen were dehydrated and suffered from hypothermia and body rash. The Vincennes administered emergency medical care and is currently holding them on board until arrangements can be made for their safe return.”
