
Manufacturing Rolls on the Rise

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Manufacturing employment increased 3% in Orange County in June compared to the year-earlier month, according to data released by the California Employment Development Department. Wholesale and retail trade employment increased 6.8% and 4.5%, respectively. Employment in finance, insurance and real estate dropped 1%.

Industry June 1988 June 1987 % Change Total All Industries 1,131,400 1,105,500 +2.3 Agricultural, forestry and fisheries 11,200 11,700 -4.3 Nonagricultural total 1,120,200 1,093,800 +2.4 Mining 1,300 1,800 -27.8 Contract construction 65,600 63,700 +3.0 Manufacturing 256,100 248,600 +3.0 Nondurable goods 69,500 65,900 +5.5 Food and kindred products 12,000 10,700 +12.2 Textile mill products 3,400 3,200 +6.3 Apparel and other textile products 4,100 4,200 -2.4 Paper and allied products 4,600 4,500 +2.2 Printing and publishing 17,400 16,800 +3.6 Chemicals and allied products 8,700 8,300 +4.8 Petroleum and coal products 1,900 1,900 nc Rubber and plastic products 17,200 16,100 +6.8 Leather and leather products 200 200 nc Durable goods 186,600 182,700 +2.1 Lumber and wood products 4,300 4,000 +7.5 Furniture and fixtures 9,900 9,000 +10.0 Stone, clay and glass products 4,100 3,600 +13.9 Primary metal industries 2,600 2,700 -3.7 Fabricated metal products 20,300 20,500 -1.0 Machinery, except electrical 30,300 29,400 +3.1 Electrical and electronic machines 63,200 63,600 -0.6 Transportation equipment 31,400 30,000 +4.7 Instruments and related products 16,000 15,700 +1.9 Miscellaneous manufacturing 4,500 4,200 +7.1 Transportation and public utilities 34,600 34,800 -0.6 Wholesale trade 68,900 64,500 +6.8 Retail trade 211,200 202,200 +4.5 Finance, insurance and real estate 90,700 91,600 -1.0 Services 272,000 266,400 +2.1 Government 119,800 116,900 +2.5 Federal 15,300 14,900 +2.7 State and local, incl. education 104,500 102,000 +2.5 Aerospace sub-total 96,600 95,600 +1.1

Source: California Employment Development Department
