
More Debate on Valley Light Rail

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Everyone complains about existing gridlock. More people continue to move to outlying areas because they cannot afford to buy within the Valley. Every day, congestion increases at an overwhelming rate.

Yet I read at least once a week a letter from one resident or another who doesn’t want to ease the agony we all face hourly on both surface streets and the freeway.

I read Lyn Hayes’ (she’s a member of the panel?) letter (July 29). I read Joan Thompson’s letter (Aug. 6). The latter raved on but did not seem to grasp what Hayes was trying to say: We have to do something.


Ms. Thompson attacks very well. Maybe she should put some of her literary efforts into positive action, such as finding a cure to the traffic woes of the Valley, as the panel tried to do.

Or is she dead-set against any improvement for the entire Valley because it might affect her? Somehow, that’s how her letter reads. Lamentable, but those who are against always seem to be noisiest, with nothing to offer outside of outrage.


Los Angeles
