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Clipboard researched by Dallas Jamison and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times. Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Orange County residents may easily recognize there is a problem here with homelessness, but when it comes to having a shelter for the homeless in their neighborhood, only a slim majority tell the Times Orange County Poll they would be in favor. Younger adults, renters, north county denizens and the less affluent are most in favor. And there is a consistency that matches attitudes toward other housing issues. That is, people who (1) agree builders should be made to provide affordable housing for people at various income levels in new developments, (2) favor rent control and (3) think local government should fund programs to help people who can’t afford to get into rental housing are all more likely to favor a homeless shelter in their neighborhood than are residents who come down on the other side of these three issues. As might be expected, views on the severity of the homeless problem correspond directly to disposition on a shelter in one’s neighborhood. This question was asked: “Would you favor or oppose a homeless shelter in your neighborhood?” Here are the results:

Favor Oppose Don’t Know TOTAL 52% 37% 11% AGE 18-34 years 58 30 12 35-54 48 46 6 55 and older 47 38 15 HOUSEHOLD INCOME $60,000 and more 48 44 8 $40,000-$59,999 52 40 8 Less than $40,000 58 29 13 REGION * North County 56 32 12 South County 48 43 9 OWN/RENT Homeowners 48 42 10 Renters 61 27 12 MORTGAGE PAYMENT More than $1,500 48 50 2 $1,001-$1,500 48 40 12 $501-$1,000 47 43 10 Less than $500 53 36 11 HOMELESSNESS IS: Big problem 69 24 7 Somewhat a problem 53 38 9 Small problem 32 52 16 OTHER HOUSING ISSUES Support affordable housing 61 29 10 Oppose affordable housing 37 52 11 Support rent control 58 32 10 Oppose rent control 42 50 8 Favor government program 61 28 11 Oppose government program 31 60 9

* The north-south regional demarcation point is the Costa Mesa Freeway.

Source: Times Orange County Poll
