
Cal Thomas on ‘Christ’ Film

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Thank you for printing “An Invitation to More Than Ever Love Christ” (by Maurice Ogden, Op-Ed Page, Aug. 11). Loving, serving, and trying to be more like Christ should be the focus of all Christians’ lives. However, the “Christ” that Ogden speaks about does not appear to be the Jesus that the Bible speaks of. The Bible speaks of a Jesus who is God, not “a god” (John 1:1), and declares how he demonstrated this; the blind were made to see, the lame were made to walk, the lepers were made clean, the deaf were made to hear, the dead were made alive, and the gospel was preached to the poor (Luke 7:22). This Jesus seems to still be working in our world today; drug addicts are cured, gang members are reformed and the self-righteous are brought low. The Bible also declares that Jesus was a man (Acts 2:22) and describes his birth, life, and death. Confusing? A little, but “Blessed are those that believe” (John 20:29).


