
Flap Over the Pledge of Allegiance

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In response to “The Pledge Gibberish” (editorial, Aug. 28):

A presidential candidate who ignores the law in this one matter has indeed committed himself to ignore the Constitution in another and closely related matter, the recitation of prayers in public schools.

One June 14, 1954, the words “under God” were inserted into the pledge, making it obnoxious not just to Jehovah’s Witnesses, who brought forth the 1943 decision against enforced saying of the pledge, but also for those millions of Americans who do not have any god or do not accept the idea that our nation is somehow “under” one.

In 1954 Congress passed a law “respecting the establishment of religion,” in direct violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Those calling for further establishment of religion, such as candidate Bush, cite “under God” in the pledge as a precedent for their further piling of religion “on the backs of the people” by government.


A government that ignores and violates laws meant to regulate it can violate other laws and, in time, rule by fiat as any fascist government that has existed.


Los Angeles
