
Jet Dumps 2 Sisters in Alaska for Ruckus Over Smoking Ban

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Two West German sisters who lit up in an American plane’s no smoking section were dumped in Alaska by an irate captain and forced to spend a week there, the newspaper Bild said on Friday.

Bild said the two, from Dortmund, failed to get seats in the smoking section for their 15-hour flight from Honolulu to West Germany but decided to smoke anyway, provoking protests from passengers.

“The two women kicked the seats in front in fury, threw food and insulted passengers and crew,” Hawaiian Airways sales manager Marie-Luise Koster told the newspaper.


The captain made the women and their four friends leave the plane in Anchorage to applause from nonsmokers on board.

The West German consul refused to help them, and they shivered in Alaska’s chilly temperatures for a week before relatives sent money for their flight home, the newspaper said.
