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The media have been spending the past few weeks presenting half-truths and drivel about candidates for the presidency and vice presidency, especially Dan Quayle. The media need to be spending their time more wisely: on the issues, not gossip and innuendo. It’s called “in the public interest.”

Unless this course is followed soon, the voters will be ill served in arriving at an evaluation of the candidates and casting an informed, intelligent ballot Nov. 8. On the other side of the coin, candidates need to curb mud throwing and trying to be cutesy in a snide way.

The nation is fortunate in having four qualified, decent men running for the presidency and vice presidency. They must be allowed and indeed urged to put the issues to the public in a forthright and complete manner. If this does not come to pass, a disgusted citizenry will be inclined to stay home Election Day and just say to hell with it. That is high-risk business, especially when only 53% of the eligible voters cast their ballots in 1984.



