
Taking Time to Count Blessings

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God Lives--In the Suburbs by John V. Chervokas (Doubleday: $12.95).

Suburbanites, despite the clean air, good schools and abundance of golf and tennis in their lovely villages, fail to count their blessings. Phil and Janice live in a $350,000 house and “won’t take a penny less” from prospective buyers; they speak condescendingly to their cleaning woman, electrician and tree trimmer.

And what a bear Phil is upon discovering that every seat is occupied on the 6:30 a.m. commuter train.

John V. Chervokas, the ad man who coined that immortal phrase “Please don’t squeeze the Charmin” for bathroom tissue, has written a theological puff paste that reminds us to hallow the ordinary.


During a typical week, Janice should praise the deity in aerobics class that her “old bod” is functioning so well. When her Honda goes on the fritz, instead of cursing the situation, she might use the waiting time to write letters to less fortunate friends and relatives.

Similarly, Phil should be kind to his mother-in-law when her unexpected visit crowds their social calendar. As for their college-age offspring, well, not everyone’s going to make Phi Beta Kappa, so send up some “thank you” thoughts for the kid squeaking by on Cs.

In this wise book of little puns, “fun” prayers and poems Chervokas echoes W. H. Auden’s line that “Life remains a blessing.”
