
Including Gays Under Irvine Rights Law

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Scott Peotter of the Irvine Values Coalition states, “I don’t hate the homosexual, but I don’t like the life style” (Sept. 6). This newly formed group is attempting to remove homosexuals from the groups protected under Irvine’s newly passed human rights ordinance. Further, this coalition plans to monitor schools, businesses and government agencies in an effort to restore “traditional family values.”

Our nation was founded on the principle that “all men are created equal.” We are all entitled to certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What is the threat, then, of providing equal protection for all to ensure the legal equality on which our democracy is based? I can think of no more traditional family and national value which we must preserve.


Peotter says that his group “is not anti-gay because that implies that members are opposed to individuals who are gay.” If the coalition is against inclusion of homosexuals as a group under the ordinance, then the coalition ultimately seeks to deny equal rights to the individual. Fundamentally and primarily, gays are people.

Perhaps Mr. Peotter is correct in stating that his group is not anti-gay. Indeed, it is anti-people.

I don’t hate Peotter. I don’t hate the Irvine Values Coalition. In fact, I don’t hate any self-appointed group of biased heterosexuals. I just don’t like their life style.



Santa Ana
