
‘Evils of Two Lessers:’ Bush and Dukakis Campaigns

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Dukakis’ abrupt swing toward a hawkish pro-defense position is transparently opportunistic and utterly incredible. Previously, Dukakis has opposed virtually every major weapon system.

Robert Toth’s analysis revealed the extent of Dukakis’ unbelievable metamorphosis on defense (Part I, Sept. 17). Dukakis has reversed himself on strategic missiles and the nuclear freeze. He has reversed himself on Trident 2 and the stealth bomber. And finally, he is apparently vacillating on the Strategic Defense Initiative, which he has ridiculed in the past.

Curiously, The Times analysis failed to mention Dukakis’ SDI slide. This slide should alarm The Times, which has editorialized vigorously against SDI.


Completing the metamorphosis of image, Dukakis can now be seen riding in tanks.

The American public must question whether Dukakis’ superficial defense patina will rub off quickly if and when he is elected President.


