
Ma Bé’s menu, annotated: Reading between the lines

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Understanding the modern menu is tricky business. Even when it’s written in English you almost need a primer to decipher what is being served. This ought to help.

See also Ruth Reichl’s full review: “Perfect to a Fault: Ma Bé’s Thoroughly Modern Menu Is Too Smart for Its Own Good”

Ma Bé Menu


FRESH OYSTERS with maui onion1,2, fresh ginger & lime salsa..........$7.50

1 No self-respecting modern menu would offer ordinary onions when big bucks can be spent for what are considered the sweetest onions of all.
2 A touch of friendly exoticism for what is essentially diced Maui onions and lime juice. Helps sell the oysters, which are traditionally slow moving unless there is an interesting sauce.


STEAMED CLAMS with diced vegetables and saffron3..........$8

3 Trendy and expensive, saffron adds color and prestige.

THINLY SLICED TUNA & SALMON4 marinated in lime & olive oil with cucumber salad..........$8

4 Bonus points: not called carpaccio, sashimi or ceviche.

SALMON AND AVOCADO TERRINE with tomato and fresh coriander5..........$8

5 One cook’s coriander is another cook’s cilantro. See Note 16.

6 GOAT CHEESE, BASIL & BELL PEPPER FLAN with radicchio, arugula & fennel..........$7

6An amazing foodie feat: Somehow includes every trendy foodstuff of the last five years and transforms flan — most commonly a dessert made with egg custard — into a savory dish.


LOBSTER AND CRAYFISH SALAD with fresh haricots verts7 and a fresh herb dressing..........$9

7 French green beans: At their best they can never be too rich or too thin.


8 It really is sweet. New agricultural technology can be used to slow a carrot’s growth, and this causes it to be sweeter.

BAKED EGGPLANT rolled with smoked mozzarella9, 10 & radicchio..........$7.50

9 Foodie nostalgia.
10 Smoking is out for people but in for cheese, meat and fish.

CARPACCIO OF BEEF with fresh artichoke hearts & Parmesan..........$8

BUFFALO MOZZARELLA with marinated eggplant and zucchini..........$6.50


CRISPY DUCK SALAD11 on a bed of mixed baby lettuces with walnut oil dressing..........$8

11 Pre-radicchio foodie nostalgia: a variant of the signature dish at Ma Maison, the kitchen that lured chef Claude Segal from Paris to Los Angeles.

GAZPACHO “California Style”12 with fresh tuna and salmon..........$5.50

12 Sleek, not chunky; mild, yet zingy; fresh and tart--much like the ideal Ma Bé customer.

GRILLED JUMBO SHRIMP wrapped in pancetta and fresh basil..........$9.50

SALMON, WATERCRESS & MANGO SALAD with citrus dressing..........$7.50

GRILLED SEASONAL MUSHROOMS with fresh garlic, extra virgin13 olive oil..........$6.50

13 But of course.




* VEGETABLE RAVIOLI with red & yellow bell pepper purees and purple basil 14..........$6.50 (appetizer) / $12 (entree)

14 The asterisk signifies dishes made with no oil, butter or dairy products — perfect for those who feel they must sacrifice during the entree course so they may pig out at dessert.

PAPPARDELLE15 with wild mushrooms and squab..........$13

15 Fat ribbon pasta — what automatically comes to mind when someone says noodles.

* ANGEL HAIR with scallops & shrimp in a fresh tomato & cilantro16 sauce..........$7.50 (appetizer) / $14 (entree)

16 See Note 5. Two cunningly different words for the same exotic parsley. Here, the word cilantro adds a Southwest touch.

BLACK RAVIOLI17 with crab and lobster..........$7.50 (appetizer) / $14 (entree)

17 Squid ink puts this ravioli in basic black; it’s the only pasta that wouldn’t feel out of place in an after-hours club.

* GARLIC LINGUINI with fresh tomato and basil..........$6 (appetizer) / ENTREE: $11 (entree)

PASTA SAMPLER18 FOR TWO OR MORE.... $13 per person

18 For those still caught in the grazing trend.


MESQUITE GRILLED AHI TUNA9 10 with artichoke, sweet garlic and lemon thyme..........$17

9 10 See Notes 9 and 10. More foodie nostalgia. More smoke flavoring.

RED SNAPPER with coarse black pepper in a pinot noir sauce19..........$16

19 For Claude Segal groupies — this is one of his signature dishes.

* GRILLED NORWEGIAN SALMON with zucchini blossoms20 in tomato & cilantro sauce..........$18

20 Outrageously expensive and practical at the same time: After the flowers are used, there are all those zucchini left--handy as vegetables.

JOHN DORY21 grilled with aromatic vegetables and saffron3..........$18

21 Ugly fish with a dignified name. Used for its tasty meat; chefs like it because it doesn’t mush up.


SAUTEED SHRIMP with garlic, tomato, white corn, red onions and basil..........$19.50

SCALLOPS AND LOBSTER in a light orange ginger butter22 with baby vegetables10..........$22

22 Light tells you it’s good for you; butter tells you it’s not.

* GRILLED BREAST OF CHICKEN with sweet garlic,23 roasted eggplant & bell peppers..........$15

23 Garlic without fear: It’s blanched twice, then roasted for an hour; takes the edge off the odor.

MESQUITE9, 10 CRISPY DUCK with pear, ginger & spinach marmalade in a merlot sauce..........$18

CRISPY SWEET BREADS with grapes, honey & vinegar..........$17.50

GRILLED CALVES LIVER and crispy onions with sweet garlic mashed potatoes24..........$15

24 You can bet “sweet garlic mashed potatoes” — not liver — sells this dish.

SAUTEED VEAL PAILLARD25 with cilantro and lemon..........$19.50

25 Can be either a medallion (fat) or a scallop (thin).

VEAL CHOP MESQUITE GRILLED9, 10 WITH shitake mushrooms and cipolini onions26..........$22

26 Sweet, but not as sweet as Maui onions. Cipolinis are tiny, odd-shaped and imported from Italy.

GARLIC ROASTED LAMB RACK with a light crust of fresh bread crumbs & parsley..........$22.50

DRY AGED NEW YORK STEAK with homemade French fries and grilled seasonal mushrooms..........$19.50


VEAL SHANK “fanned” with caramelized pearl onions and summer vegetables..........$16.00

LAMB LOIN in puff pastry27 with basil, fresh pasta & julienned vegetables..........$22

27 For members of the thirtysomething generation who think Beef Wellington is for their parents, but eagerly devour the remarkably similar lamb wrapped up in pastry.

