
Robber Kills Armored Truck Guard in Bank

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Times Staff Writer

An armored truck guard was killed in a robbery and execution-style shooting Friday morning after he walked into a Panorama City bank to make a money delivery, Los Angeles police said.

Stewart C. Tecson, 27, of Monterey Park, was shot once in the head and died on the floor of the Security Pacific National Bank in the 8500 block of Van Nuys Boulevard, Lt. Robert Ruchhoft said.

An unidentified gunman escaped with a bank bag containing an undisclosed amount of cash after the 10:40 a.m. shooting, Ruchhoft said. A stolen pickup truck used for the getaway was found an hour later on Cedros Avenue, about three blocks away.


Tecson, who worked for Armored Transport Co. of California, was making a routine delivery, police said. He was riding in the back of an armored truck that pulled up to a public entrance where the bank opens to a rear parking lot. Tecson got out of the back with a money bag. The driver, who was not identified, remained in the driver’s seat, a routine procedure.

Tecson walked into the bank but was apparently followed in by the robber, police said.

“Before he was able to give the bag to the teller, the suspect came up from behind and grabbed it,” Ruchhoft said. “The armored truck man turned, and the suspect shot him. He fell to the floor, and that’s where he died.”

The shooting occurred near the middle of the lobby and was witnessed by several employees and customers, Ruchhoft said. The killer then ran through the bank and out the front door.


Parked at the curb on Van Nuys was a black Ford pickup that had been stolen at gunpoint in West Los Angeles on Thursday, Ruchhoft said. The robber got in and drove away.

A Panorama City woman said she had parked on Van Nuys and was heading into the bank when she saw the gunman, wearing black pants, jacket and hat, run out of the bank.

“He was in a hurry,” she said. “He almost hit my car.”

The robber had a noticeable limp, but police said he may have been faking an injury to confuse his description.


Though investigators think the robber said something to Tecson before shooting him, the guard apparently did not resist, and they could not explain why he was shot.

“There are no indications that he put up a struggle,” Ruchhoft said. “It was more along the lines of an execution; take the money and shoot him. The armored truck man’s gun was still in his holster.”

Officials of the Los Angeles-based armored transport company declined to comment.

Ruchhoft noted that armored car guards were robbed twice in September while making deliveries at supermarkets in East Los Angeles, but investigators had found no evidence connecting them to the robbery Friday.

“Right now, we think this guy is a loner,” he said.

The bank was closed Friday after the shooting. Police kept witnesses inside for several hours for questioning. At lunchtime, three large pizzas were delivered to the bank.

Customers were directed to other Security Pacific branches, but a large group of onlookers crowded around the bank entrance until early afternoon.

Police said a bank surveillance camera was turned on too late by bank employees to film the shooting and robbery.
