
Notes about your surroundings.

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BUTTERFLIES: Results of the county’s second annual butterfly count, which took place July 16, have been tabulated by organizer Larry Shaw. Counters tallied 36 species and 1,689 individuals, which tops last year’s inaugural count of 30 species and 774 individuals.

This year’s census had seven new species: the queen butterfly (1 individual counted), Virginia lady (1), Mormon metalmark (8), Wright’s metalmark (7), square-spotted blue (6), California hairstreak (3) and giant skipper (4). One species spotted in 1987, the painted lady, was not spotted this time. Topping the 1988 list is the cabbage white, with 389 individuals counted.

The survey is part of an annual national count sponsored by the Xerces Society. In 1987, 86 counts were undertaken in late June and early July.


DESERT ECOLOGY: Orange Coast College will offer a nine-week course on the ecology of Southern California deserts, beginning Oct. 24 and continuing through Dec. 20. The one-unit class, Ecology 122, will meet Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m.

The course, which includes field trips, will examine the basic physical and biological aspects of Southern California’s desert environment. It is designed for non-biology majors. For information, call (714) 432-5678.

LIBRARY OPEN: The Fullerton Arboretum has opened its botanical and horticultural library to public use. The collection contains more than 800 volumes, with reference works ranging from the general to the highly specialized.


The library is open Thursdays from noon to 3 p.m. and Saturdays from 1 to 4 p.m. Friends of the Fullerton Arboretum, with current membership cards, may check out books for two weeks. Non-members may use the books during regular library hours.
