
Tommy Conwell--A Regional Rumble Goes National

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Band: Tommy Conwell & the Young Rumblers.

Personnel: Tommy Conwell, vocals, lead guitar; Paul Slivka, bass; Jim Hannum, drums; Chris Day, rhythm guitar; Rob Miller, keyboards, guitar.

History: Conwell & the Young Rumblers are a bona fide example of a regional success story gone national. They’re hometown heroes in Philadelphia (an independent debut LP two years ago sold a reported 70,000 copies in the area), where their popularity may soon come to rival that of the Hooters (ex-Hooter Andy King co-produced the indie debut, and current Hooters contribute to the band’s new major-label debut). The band’s first Columbia album, “Rumble,” was overseen by hit producer Rick Chertoff and released in July. The rollicking leadoff track, “I’m Your Man,” hit the No. 1 spot on the national AOR (album-oriented rock) radio charts a few weeks ago, though the song inexplicably stalled on Top 40 formats.

Sound: If there’s gonna be a rumble tonight, it’ll probably be a noisy but fairly polite one with these Young Rumblers, who show slight punk influences in look and sound but are melodic mainstream rockers through and through. The slick hooks and good looks of pals and fellow Philadelphians the Hooters are as good a reference point as any. Conwell isn’t just another handsome blond in a sleeveless T-shirt, though. He can take his attractive tenor interesting places, as on the mean-spirited but infectious single “I’m Your Man,” on which he alternates between smooth, pretty vocal tones and a commanding, throaty growl. The only strong lyrics on the album, alas, are on the two cuts written or co-written by Jules Shear. As his pop instincts solidify, young Conwell could unearth more gems if he continues to rely on collaborators that good.


Shows: Tuesday at the Roxy.
