
Harley Is Missed

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Harley, a street person who made a spot next to the newspaper racks outside the Thrifty store in Capistrano Beach his home for about 10 years, died about 2 months ago. His death still stirs this seaside community.

Harley Edward Duggan was likable to most, although his presence annoyed others. But his absence is causing some unusual behavior. Some people have taped cards to the wall he leaned against. Some leave flowers.

A priest, the Rev. Coleman Nolan, says the community is feeling a collective sense of guilt over Harley’s death because some realize it is too late to do anything for him now. There is a lesson in that guilt for us all.


Most of us have a Harley in our lives. He may be a street person we hardly know, a friend or someone we love. The more we think about Harley, the more important it seems to give help, understanding, attention or love--while it still counts.
