
Segerstrom Home Ranch Project Opposed

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When Costa Mesa residents go the polls Nov. 8, there will be three measures to consider as well as three City Council posts to be filled.

Of these issues, perhaps the most difficult and complex are the two referendums pertaining to the Segerstrom Home Ranch project and amendments to the city’s General Plan, Measures H & I.

Segerstrom wants to build up his property (and the majority of the present City Council members want to allow him to do so) to a density of either 3.1 million square feet (Measure H) or 2.179 million square feet (Measure I) with buildings of 20 stories in height (both Measures H and I).


The only way that the public can protect itself against imposition of high-rise, high-density urbanization by the current City Council and big development interests is to vote “no” on both Measures H and I. The thousands of citizens who signed the petitions to put these measures on the ballot clearly wanted no part of the high-rises.

Why are so many Costa Mesa residents opposed to both of these development measures?

The density is far too high.

The impact on traffic flow will be disastrous.

The new office tower would set a terrible precedent for future building heights north of the San Diego Freeway.

* The economics of the project are not good. It generates more annual costs than revenue for the City of Costa Mesa.


* Much money will be spent by the developer and his supporters to convince voters that a “no” vote will cost the city millions of dollars in developer fees. Nothing could be further from the truth. If the city ever received these funds, they would be spent to support the developer’s project.

This property is not going to remain as a bean field. It will be developed. But why not develop it in a manner that is not only beneficial to the developer, but to the city and its residents as well?

By voting “no” on both Measures H and I, Costa Mesans will be clearing the way for balanced negotiations between city and developer, leading to the possibility of a beautiful and sensible project which benefits all.



Costa Mesa Residents’

Political Action Committee
