
Reagan Lauds U.S. Olympians for Not Depending on Drugs

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United Press International

With the kind of pageantry and imagery that has become the hallmark of his White House years, President Reagan today congratulated the U.S. Olympic team and praised it for not relying on drugs and showing the world that America stands for “fair play and sportsmanlike conduct.”

Welcomed to the White House for a mass gathering on the sun-drenched South Lawn, the men and women of the 611-member team were applauded by Reagan, members of the Cabinet and other government workers.

“While here, I want to say that Nancy and I are so proud of you we’d give the whole team a gold medal. Congratulations. We are all champions,” Reagan said.


“Not relying on drugs or banned substances, you set a fine example and my roommate and I both commend you,” he said.

Reagan called the recent summer games “a triumph” for the host South Korean government and, looking ahead to the 1992 Olympics, exclaimed, “Look out, world, because the United States is going for the gold again!”
