
29 Sue City After Drug Raid

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Lawyers representing 29 people today filed a federal civil rights suit against the City of Los Angeles alleging that 60 police officers beat them and destroyed four apartments with sledgehammers while searching for drugs during an Aug. 1 raid in South Los Angeles. Police Cmdr. William Booth said he had no comment on the suit.

Police ripped plaster from the walls, slashed furniture with knives, shattered porcelain toilets and sinks, hacked apart stereos and videocassette recorders and poured bleach over clothes during the search, a group of 10 lawyers said at a news conference. A spokesman for the Los Angeles NAACP said one-quarter gram of rock cocaine was found at 3903 and 3907 Dalton Ave. Eight people were arrested, one for possession of cocaine and seven for conspiracy to sell cocaine, the spokesman said.
