
Coining a Praise

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Wrapping up the longest strike in Hollywood history, the Writers Guild of America has honored its most dedicated strikers with commemorative coins. They bear the dates of the holdout--March 7-Aug. 7--and a quote from Shakespeare’s “Henry V”: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”

The coins went to 550 WGA members “who did more than just show up for picket duty, volunteering for all those extra things that had to be done,” said a spokeswoman.

She also rattled off some final strike figures: 1,060 strike loans made, totaling $3.2 million; 31 mass pickets, 224 picket teams; 2,700 picket signs; 1,340 gallons of water and 690 gallons of Gatorade ladled out; 7,000 strike buttons and 3,000 strike T-shirts sold; 60 bullhorns rented. New World was selected the “most courteous” picketee for providing overheated pavement pounders with bagels and ice water.


The spokeswoman said there was no opposition to the commemorative coins, even from rebellious members who argued unsuccessfully for an early settlement.

“The only debate was whether we should say ‘brothers and sisters,’ ” she said, “and we decided not to rewrite Shakespeare.”
