
D. A., Bar Investigate Complaints Against Lawyer

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Times Staff Writer

The State Bar of California and the San Diego County district attorney’s office are investigating allegations of misconduct against a San Diego-area attorney whose former clients have alleged--among other things--that he misused their funds, failed to make court appearances and abandoned their cases.

A State Bar official said 11 complaints have been filed against Richard Degallegos--a number she termed “relatively high but not particularly unusual.” Eight more clients are expected to submit similar protests, said an assistant trial counsel for the State Bar.

The district attorney’s office, meanwhile, is investigating allegations that Degallegos misappropriated client funds and should be charged with theft. On Monday, a Municipal Court judge found Degallegos in contempt of court and ordered him to spend 10 days in jail and pay $2,000.


Complaining Calls

“We’re getting a lot of calls about him,” said Adrienne Casey, a district attorney’s office investigator who is looking into several complaints and evaluating others to see if they merit further inquiry. “We’re referring many of them to the State Bar and we’re handling those allegations that relate to criminal conduct.”

Degallegos, 48, did not return telephone calls from The Times Tuesday. He is a graduate of Western State University School of Law and lists his business as Plaza Legal Inc. of Poway.

Although one State Bar official termed the complaints against Degallegos typical of those lodged against lawyers, the San Diego County Bar Assn. has set up a special hot line to field calls from Degallegos clients who feel they have been wronged.


“We’ve been getting calls about this guy, and so have the Superior Court and a number of attorneys in town,” said Ned Huntington, president of the county bar. “We don’t have the authority to do anything, but since this appears to be rather widespread we thought we’d try to route people to the right place.”

The hot line number is 231-6784.

Began in May

Trev Davis, assistant trial counsel for the State Bar, said complaints against Degallegos began in May. She said the allegations include failing to complete work he was hired for; missing court appearances; receiving funds on behalf of clients but not disbursing them; filing for bankruptcy and failing to pay off debts, and failing to return letters and telephone calls.

If Degallegos is found guilty of any of the offenses by the bar, he faces discipline ranging from reproach to disbarment. Such penalties are meted out by the state Supreme Court.


The contempt order issued Monday by Municipal Judge Lillian Lim Quon stems from a case that another attorney, Diane Campbell, took over from Degallegos, purportedly after he abandoned the client’s appeal. The judge found Degallegos in contempt for misbehavior, willful neglect and violation of duty for failing to turn over materials Campbell needed to represent the client.

Convicted of Misdemeanor

The case involves Victoria Manriquez, who was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty for dragging a stray dog behind her car. Campbell said Degallegos had agreed to handle the appeal but never pursued it.

“He let everything slide, and the court finally put the case in default and dismissed her appeal,” Campbell said. “I am now attempting to reinstate the appeal for her. It’s been very upsetting for her.”

Campbell said Manriquez plans to file a complaint with the State Bar. Manriquez filed a civil malpractice suit against Degallegos on Friday, alleging fraud and negligence.
