
A Quick, Easy Version of Chili

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Who doesn’t love a steaming bowl of chili on a blustery day? But who wants to spend most of the day making it? With microwave versions, you don’t have to.

In fact, it’s almost as easy to microwave chili from scratch as to open a can of it or thaw a frozen pouch. Moreover, our homemade versions are significantly lower in salt, fat and cholesterol than the commercial varieties.

And here’s an additional bonus. The techniques you use when microwaving chili apply to most meat-rich soups and stews:


--When sauteing onions, garlic and/or peppers in a microwave, cover with wax paper to keep the fat from spattering all over the oven.

--Once the onion mixture is sauteed, push to the center of the casserole where it will receive less microwave energy and be less likely to burn.

--Use lean ground meat; when adding it to the mixture, shape it into a “doughnut” around the edge of the casserole so that it will cook evenly.


--Simmer, do not boil, the assembled chili so that the flavors mingle. We find MEDIUM or MEDIUM-HIGH power perfect.

--Always under-season chili. Microwaves intensify seasonings, particularly peppery ones, so a moderate amount of chili powder or peppers may prove incendiary. You can always hype up the seasonings just before serving.

--If possible, make the chili one day and serve it the next. To reheat either of these chilies: Microwave in a covered casserole 12 to 14 minutes on HIGH, stirring every four minutes.



2 medium onions, minced

1 green pepper, cored, seeded and minced

2 large cloves garlic, minced

1 tablespoon oil or bacon drippings

1 pound lean ground beef, lamb or pork shoulder

1 cup tomato puree

1 cup hot water


1/2 teaspoon crushed cumin seeds

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1 (4-ounce) can chopped green chiles, drained

2 tablespoons minced cilantro or parsley

Heated pinto beans, optional

In wax-paper covered 2-quart casserole, microwave onions, green pepper, garlic and oil on HIGH (100% power) 5 to 6 minutes, until onions are translucent.

Push vegetables to center of casserole and spread beef around edge. Cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH 4 to 5 minutes until beef is no longer pink.

Break up beef with fork, stir in tomato puree, water, 1 teaspoon salt, cumin and black pepper, cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH 5 to 6 minutes until mixture begins to bubble.

Reduce power to MEDIUM-HIGH (70% power) and microwave, covered, 10 minutes, mixing in chilies at half time. Season to taste with salt, mix in cilantro and serve as is or over heated pinto beans. Makes 6 servings.


2 medium onions, minced

1 large clove garlic, minced

2 tablespoons oil

1 1/2 pounds lean ground beef

1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crumbled

1 large bay leaf, crumbled

3 tablespoons chili powder

1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 (1-pound) can tomatoes

2 (1-pound, 3-ounce) cans red kidney beans

In wax-paper covered 4- or 5-quart casserole, microwave onions, garlic and oil on HIGH (100% power) 5 to 5 1/2 minutes until onions are translucent.

Mix in beef, oregano and bay leaf, then push mixture around edge of casserole. Cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH 5 to 6 minutes, breaking up beef at half time, until beef is no longer pink.


Add chili powder and red pepper flakes, cover and microwave on MEDIUM-HIGH (70% power) 2 minutes. Mix in salt, tomatoes and beans. Cover and microwave on HIGH 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes, until mixture begins to bubble. Reduce power to MEDIUM-HIGH and microwave 18 to 20 minutes, stirring at half time, to mellow flavors. Makes 6 servings.

Note: In ovens of 700 watts or more, MEDIUM (50% power) may be enough to keep mixture simmering. If chili seems thick, thin with little hot water. In ovens of less than 600 watts, increase cooking times about 15%.
