
Local News in Brief : Smog Among Top Concerns, Poll Finds

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Stepping up the drive for tough new air pollution controls, air quality officials released results of a public opinion poll that found that smog ranks ahead of drug abuse--and behind only freeway congestion and gang activity--as a concern of Southern Californians.

Not only is there widespread support for new emission controls on oil refineries and utilities, the officials said, but strong support for regulations to increase ride sharing and the use of mass transit.

Moreover, the poll found that tougher steps should be taken to control air pollution even if it meant that businesses would leave Southern California and people would lose jobs.


The findings were based on a random telephone survey of 996 respondents in the four-county South Coast Air Basin.

The AQMD poll, announced at a press conference at the Griffith Park Observatory, was conducted last July, but the results were not released until Thursday because officials wanted to wait until after the presidential election and to incorporate the findings in a public relations campaign to win support for a proposed five-year air quality management plan scheduled to be voted upon next month by the AQMD governing board.

When people were asked to list problems that are “extremely serious” and deserving of immediate action, the largest percentage--63%--named freeway traffic congestion, followed by gang violence, 56%; air pollution, 52%; drug dealing, 52%; traffic congestion on city streets, 32%; rapid population growth, 29%; overcrowded schools, 33%; illegal immigration, 30%; pollution of drinking water, 27%, and residential burglary, 19%.
