
Occult Murder in a Small Missouri Bible-Belt Town

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The articles were very scary. It was disturbing to read how something so horrible can occur in middle America. I’m an 18-year-old college student attending Cal State Northridge and a heavy metal fan. I was taught in Catholic schools and I am very knowledgeable in the field of religion. It was terrible to read that the only reason these boys killed their friend was “because it’s fun.” Although the murder of Steve Newberry was very sad, I must say that in no way can this be blamed on heavy metal or speed metal music. Bands like Guns ‘n Roses get criticized for their life style (drugs and alcohol--but no one knows if it is true or not); AC/DC band members are accused of being satanists because a murder suspect was a fan of theirs, and speed metal bands are accused of worshiping the devil because of graphic album covers.

Some bands make it obvious--or so it seems--that they worship the devil, and others merely pretend. People have two choices with music--they can either turn it off or listen to it but without taking it so seriously. As I was reading one article my mother came into my room and complained about my music, claiming it to be evil, but she, like many people, is uniformed about music. Many people look at an album cover and make a judgment; others will base their whole opinion merely on an image. And many of these same people are the ones who fight for freedom of expression.


