
A Son Who Pays for Father’s Crime

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The recent television movie “David” was not only a reminder about a courageous little boy but a reminder of a flaw in our judicial system. David Rothenberg’s father set fire to the one person who loved him. This man was interviewed after the film, and to my amazement exhibited no remorse and took no responsibility for his behavior even though he admitted that he intended to kill his son. This is psychotic behavior.

Next year, Charles Rothenberg is up for parole. He will have spent 6 years in prison to pay for maiming his only son, who will pay for the rest of his life. Worse yet, David and his family will always be looking over their shoulders wondering what this man will do next: he said he wants to see his son!

Victims of heinous crimes should be protected. The court trials are not just for the guilty, they should be for the innocent, the victims of crimes. In this case, Rothenberg did his best to kill his victim, but the child had an incredible desire to live. Credit for survival should go only to the victim.



