
Deukmejian and Election Results

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Your editorial “Missing the Point” (Nov. 11) was right on the mark! You too caught Gov. George Deukmejian in a moment of truth. I must say I could hardly believe my ears and eyes as I heard him, and, “read his lips” at the post-election press conference.

I just wonder if our illustrious governor really realizes how profound he waxed when his disappointment of how the propositions turned out led him to say: “And pretty soon maybe we won’t need to have a Legislature and a governor anymore, and (we can) just do this by special interest propositions.”

Bully for the voters! That’s exactly why there were so many propositions this election. The governor and Legislature have been so busy tending to their own selfish interests that they seemed to forget we were still out here somewhere getting madder by the minute.


Michael Dukakis urged young people to not give up hope and to be proud to get involved in the “noble profession” of politics. I wonder. How many more long ballots and cumbersome initiatives and propositions will it take before our glorious leaders will start to realize that they, in fact, do belong to a noble profession worthy of serving the people who put them in office and learn to “say no” to self-serving influences that do nothing for the good of the people? I can hardly wait until November, 1990!


