
Shameful Behavior

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Last weekend something shameful happened in my community: Tifereth Israel Synagogue was defaced by spray-painted anti-Semitic graffiti.

I grow increasingly horrified by the current upsurge of white supremacy in San Diego; its sick and inhuman attitudes toward anyone who is neither Caucasian nor a so-called Christian are profoundly disturbing. White supremacy is a virulent disease to which the ignorant seem particularly susceptible.

Let those of us who deplore anti-Semitic and racist attitudes and acts work together to promote understanding and tolerance among faiths and races.


Further, let us work to show the larger community the deeply un-Christian, irrational orientation of white supremacist groups. Their tenets, such as they are, cannot withstand the light of reason, so let us continue to demonstrate their irrationality and inhumanity.


San Diego
