
Wind, Rain Are Forecast for Holiday Weekend

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Times Staff Writer

A veritable cornucopia of high tides, rain, frost on the pumpkins, travelers’ advisories and a full moon is on tap for this Thanksgiving weekend.

For the third day in a row, high tides climbed above 7 feet, the National Weather Service said. The tide this morning at 8:46 a.m. was 7.3 feet, about 2 feet higher than normal, said forecaster Wilbur Shigehara.

The surf may reach 6 feet, Shigehara said, but the Weather Service does not expect to issue any flood warnings for the coast.


“Thanksgiving morning we’re looking for waves between 4 and 6 feet, but I don’t think it’s serious,” Shigehara said. “The high tide, winds and big surf will combine to push the waves further inland, but it’s not going to push down any houses or anything.”

Chance of Rain

A 20% chance of rain is expected to dump up to a quarter of an inch of rain on San Diego today. Blustery northwest winds of up to 35 m.p.h. in some areas have prompted the National Weather Service to issue a traveler’s advisory in the mountains, and a small craft advisory for the water.

A frost advisory for the agricultural areas, where temperatures are expected to dip into the mid-20s, was also issued Wednesday night, and a snow advisory was initiated for the 5,000-foot level. The snow advisory is expected to be lifted today.


San Diego is catching the southern tip of a storm front that originated in the Gulf of Alaska and is moving toward the southern Rockies, Shigehara said. By Saturday, the main brunt of the storm will be over, he said.

“One clue that the storm won’t intensify is that it seems to be falling apart; we’re not getting much rain with this,” Shigehara said. “By Saturday we’ll have milder days, a little warmer temperatures. The opposite of Thanksgiving will take place as a Santa Ana develops.”

Partly Cloudy

The skies will be partly cloudy throughout the county today and Friday.

High temperatures along the coast will be 63 to 67 degrees today and Friday. Overnight lows will range from 46 to 53 tonight and dip slightly to between 38 and 48 Friday.


The ocean temperature is 56.

High temperatures in the inland areas will range in the mid-60s both days. Overnight lows will be between 42 and 48 tonight and Friday night.

Mountain highs for today and Friday will be in the mid-30s, and lows will be in the mid-20s. Gusty winds ranging from 25 to 35 m.p.h. will keep a traveler’s advisory in effect through Friday.
