
Neighbors’ Opinions on Warner Ridge Project

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A letter on Oct. 10 was written by Eugene A. Spindler II of the Johnson Wax Corp., Racine, Wis., and Jonathan A. Spound of Spound Development, Century City. Warner Ridge Associates is a partnership of these two companies.

Your article of Sept. 23, “Woodland Hills High-Rise Foes Boo Picus Over Neutral Stance,” correctly conveys the sentiments of our community. Messrs. Spindler and Spound have selectively presented facts to create a different impression.

It is true that the “administration” of Pierce College supports the Warner Ridge development. Their support is not a product of their deep concern for community as much as the incentives offered by the developer. Numerous students and faculty members are concerned that this project will not buffer the college from Warner Center, but rather bring Warner Center to the college back door. They are concerned about traffic and increased pressure to sell and develop the farmland.


The Warner Hill Homeowners Assn. also has indicated support for the project. Here again Warner Ridge Associates has offered incentives in trade for their support. Despite these incentives, many town-home residents have joined Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization, and many more support our opposition of the project.

Some residents adjacent to the property on the northeast corner of De Soto Avenue and Oxnard Street support the project. However, the majority of residents, as seen at the Sept. 22 community meeting, do not.

Messrs. Spound and Splinder state: “The majority of the Woodland Hills Homeowners Organization’s members live south of Ventura Boulevard.” Actually, less than half our membership live south of the boulevard. The majority live in the Carlton Terrace and College Acres areas. They can verify this from their copy of our membership roster, which they have illegally obtained and used.


Warner Ridge Associates continues to claim that the only residential alternative is multifamily housing. The fact is, the land is currently zoned RA-1, single-family residential. Since Mr. Spound is not a residential developer, his claim that single-family residential development is not feasible is suspicious.

Those who do not live in the San Fernando Valley should consider the wishes of those who live near Warner Ridge.


Woodland Hills
