
Segerstrom Report to City’s Residents

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I recently received another edition of the Community Newsletter--a report to Costa Mesa residents by C.J. Segerstrom & Sons. I was utterly amazed at what I read on the first page.

Front and center was an article of thanks to the volunteers who worked for measures H and I, which were recently defeated. The article also got its licks in about the “distortions, half-truths and completely misleading statements made by the opponents of our project.” Next to that article was one announcing the beginning of the Fairview Road freeway overpass widening project.

What I find particularly interesting is that the overpass widening was prominently mentioned by Segerstrom in various publications as one of the “traffic solutions” that would be implemented, provided that the Home Ranch project was allowed to proceed. Well, Home Ranch has not been allowed to proceed, yet the overcrossing is being widened by Caltrans, apparently without major financial contributions from Segerstrom (they did contribute some land for slope easement).


Distortions, half-truths and completely misleading statements, Mr. Segerstrom?

I also find it more than just coincidence that the commencement of this project, and the first announcement, occurred the week after the election. It is truly unfortunate that our city officials do not have the courage to tell their constituents what is really going on, to help them make the correct decisions. I think, as the election results show, we did in spite of them.


Costa Mesa
