
Arafat’s Address to the United Nations

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The cartoon by Conrad (Nov. 29) showing Ronald Reagan dressed as Arafat saying, “I know a terrorist when I see one!” suggests that Conrad sees no distinction between Arafat and Reagan. This is further testimony to Conrad’s moral blindness.

Your editorial (“Score One for the PLO,” Nov. 29) attack on Shultz for the denial of a visa to Arafat only hints at Arafat’s misdeeds. It also absurdly contends, among other claims, that Arafat does not intend terrorism on this visit! But he and his organization have been involved in terrorism in the very recent past. Also, this ignores the legitimization of terrorism symbolized by the visa, as well as our indifference to American victims and policies were we to grant the visa.

One extremely important issue you and the usual soft-on-Arafat crowd don’t raise is why we should want to have anything to do with nations, united or otherwise, who actually invite somebody like this to address them.



Woodland Hills
