
Area Wetlands and the Future

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In The Times (Nov. 16) a government-sponsored panel, the National Wetlander Policy Forum, recommended “states assuming responsibility for a national goal of creating more wetlands than are being destroyed.” California take heed, the Bolsa Chica small boat harbor will destroy wetlands.

There’s more at risk than recreational enjoyment by surfers, wetlands enthusiasts joggers and bicyclists if the boat harbor goes through. What about our children and children’s children? We must start thinking about future generations in our decisions today. The article continues “the benefits of the wetlands have been recognized increasingly: storage of floodwaters, cleansing of pollution, protection of wildlife, recharging of ground water and controlling of erosion.”

There are too few coastal lowlands left. Let’s wise up and stop the small-craft harbor at Bolsa Chica.



Garden Grove
