
Registering People to Vote in Santa Ana

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I agree with Ron Geim (“Uniformed Guards at Polling Places,” Dec. 4, 1988), there should be an investigation of the rolls of registered voters. Especially of the registered voters in the city of Santa Ana.

For years now, I’ve witnessed people being encouraged to register to vote and being registered to vote in Santa Ana. What bothers me is that the only English that some of those people knew was “no speak English.”

I would definitely have to question their citizenship.

But I am not puzzled why the Democrats are so riled about unarmed uniformed security guards with signs saying “non-citizens can’t vote.” The persons I saw registering these questionable non-citizens were working in a Democrats booth in Santa Ana.


I did contact the Orange County registrar of voters over a year ago. I was told that there probably were non-citizens being registered to vote, but that they usually will not show up to vote on Election Day.

We should call for an investigation by the FBI and prosecution by the U.S. attorney general’s office of those non-citizens who registered to vote and of those who knowingly encouraged and registered any non-citizens to vote.


