
Taxing Seniors for Medicare

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Your article tried to present both sides of the controversy, but it overlooked the unfairness of basing the surtax on the amount of income tax reported.

The stated purpose of the surtax is to assign a greater share of costs to those whose income permits them to pay more. But basing the surtax on the amount of income tax does not accomplish this equitably.

Many individuals receive income which is not subject to tax, such as interest on municipal bonds, VA pensions, worker’s compensation, etc. As a result, of two individuals with the same disposable income, one might pay no income tax and thus no Medicare surtax, while the other, with no tax-free income, would pay a large income tax, plus the maximum Medicare surtax.


I do not object to taxation based on ability to pay, but “soaking the rich” should be based on disposable income.


Garden Grove
