
Anti-Nuclear Protesters

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Thank you so much for the three-part series on Jean and Joe Gump (Part I, Dec. 4-6). As a peace activist, I knew their names and the particulars of their action. I didn’t know them as people, their motivations, and what brought them to those missile silos.

Never has the thinking and spirituality of Plowshares activists been so clearly explained. I’ve never seen anything like this in the mainstream media. Actually, I’ve never read anything about Plowshares/civic disobedience actions this deep, clear and personal in peace publications either. You and reporter Barry Bearak are to be commended. I hope he wins a Pulitzer Prize.

If there is a history to write, if we are to avoid nuclear suicide, the Gumps by putting their faith and convictions into action, will have earned a place in history and the eternal gratitude of humanity.


We all must examine our conscience and do what needs to be done, so that war will end and we’ll have a future. With a few more brave and true witnesses like the Gumps, we’ll make it.


Los Angeles
