
Local News in Brief : Tustin : Ski-Mask Thief Robs Gas Station With Rifle

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A man wearing a ski mask and carrying a rifle robbed a Tustin gas station of an unknown amount of cash early Tuesday, police said.

A car pulled into Ben’s Chevron at 13922 Redhill Ave. about 2:27 a.m. The passenger, wearing a ski mask, got out of the car and confronted the attendant in the service bay.

The suspect “pointed the rifle at (the attendant) and told him to open up the cash register,” Tustin Police Lt. Houston Williams said. “The attendant walked over to the cash register, but he did not do it fast enough evidently. The (robber) told him to hurry up and fired one shot into the air, opened the register and scooped up all the paper currency.”


The robber then jumped back into the car, which sped away.
