
Support for Meridian Route for Freeway

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The history of freeways is also the history of small towns obstructing freeways. Why? Because small-town city councils represent small-town merchants who want as many people to drive past their stores as possible. Merchants have never cared if tens of thousands of drivers backed up (for) miles have to spend hours to get home, as long as they made a few extra dollars in sales.

I do not want my taxes to be used to build a more expensive westerly freeway link through South Pasadena to complete the Long Beach Freeway. I do not want my taxes to be spent hiring lobbyists to pay off elected officials to stop it.

Enough is enough. Let the Meridian Route Freeway be built.

If the City Council has money to spend on lobbyists it is time to cut its budget.

I urge all South Pasadenans to write to Caltrans and urge it to finish the freeway with all haste.



South Pasadena
