
Developer Pays to Ease Warner Center Traffic

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Steps designed to reduce traffic in Warner Center, including synchronizing traffic signals, were announced Thursday by Los Angeles City Councilwoman Joy Picus.

The traffic improvements will be financed with $5.5 million from developer Robert Voit, who presented Picus with a check Thursday. Picus required Voit to pay for the improvements in return for her support of his two high-rise buildings under construction in the commercial center.

“For the first time, a developer of existing office buildings is being held responsible for reducing the traffic generated by his developments,” Picus said at a news conference in Warner Center.


The money from Voit will go to hire a “ride-sharing coordinator” to encourage Warner Center’s 35,000 employees to car-pool and for purchase of buses to transport employees between their homes in outlying areas, such as Ventura County, and Warner Center. The buses are also to be used during working hours to shuttle shoppers and workers around Warner Center for 25 cents a ride. Other improvements include:

Computerized traffic signals to be installed in Warner Center by the end of 1990. The system uses a computer to monitor traffic through intersections and automatically changes traffic lights according to traffic flow.

Cameras to monitor traffic at busy intersections in Warner Center. Cameras are now in use in downtown Los Angeles.
