
Local News in Brief : United Way Has 47.2% of Its Goal

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Two months into its 1988-89 campaign, Los Angeles Area United Way has raised $42,035,703, 47.2% of its $89-million goal, officials said.

“Last year at this time, we had collected $8.6 million less so this tells us the pace is good,” President Leo Cornelius said.

Employee giving is up 11% from last year, and corporate giving up 4%, Cornelius said. He attributed the upturn in giving to a campaign begun last year and continued this year to better explain to employee groups the services that the umbrella charity provides to the community. An effort to find contributors who have never given to United Way also accounts for some of the increase, he said.


The campaign, which will conclude in April, will provide money for 350 health and social service agencies.
