
Local News in Brief : Fire Dept. to Set Minority Hiring Goals

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The Pomona Fire Department has agreed to establish hiring goals to increase the number of minority firefighters as part of a settlement of a discrimination complaint filed with a federal agency.

Under terms of the settlement, the Fire Department will set goals to “reflect the racial and ethnic composition of the city of Pomona” by the year 2005.

The department has also agreed to develop recruitment, reserve and orientation programs to establish a pool of eligible minority applicants and to revise its testing procedures according to guidelines set by the city.


The complaint was filed on behalf of the Pomona Valley National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People and four individuals with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

According to the 1980 census, Pomona’s population is 46% Anglo, 30% Latino and 18% black. Of the 110 Pomona firefighters, 11% are Latino and 3% are black.
