
Algeria Hosts 1st Palestine Envoy

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Associated Press

The government of Algeria has accepted the credentials of the first ambassador of the newly declared state of Palestine, the official APS news agency reported.

The new ambassador was identified as Moudher Dadjani, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry broadcast by the government news agency APS.

The government took his credentials Friday, the agency reported.

Algeria was the first country to recognize the Palestinian state after the Palestine National Council declared it Nov. 15 during a summit meeting in Algiers.


Ground was broken for a Palestinian embassy the next day.

The council, which functions as a parliament in exile for the Palestine Liberation Organization, proclaimed the new state on territories occupied by Israel with its capital as Jerusalem. The PLO is based in Tunisia.

Israel considers Jerusalem as its capital.

The new state has been recognized by more than 50 nations but is not recognized by the United States.
