
Christmas in Los Angeles

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It has often been said “The greatest threat to any society comes from within.” As we enjoy the hope and promise of this holiday season, I am saddened by the lack of concern many of our large corporations show toward their loyal employees, the traditions of our families and the importance we Americans historically have placed on our national holidays.

When our family gathers to celebrate Christmas Eve this year, my son’s wife and new baby will be there, but my son will be working at the supermarket that in past years always closed at 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve, but now stays open till 10 p.m. for those last-minute sales. On Christmas Day this year, I understand one large supermarket chain will be open all day.

Yes, I am sad and a little bitter when I think how much we sacrifice for convenience and profit. I am sad for all my friends and the clerks who work hard all year, often late into the night, and then do double-duty to make lots of money for their employers during the Christmas rush; and then are asked to give up Christmas Eve and Christmas Day too!


When will we Americans wake up to the fact that it is our traditions, our ideals, our values, our holidays, that make us the greatest nation on the face of the earth!


Mira Loma
