
L.A. County’s Longest Bike Routes

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Arcadia boasts a 34.9-mile system of looping bikeways. The Rancho Oaks Loop is one-way and runs counterclockwise through the northern half of the city. It is the longest and most interesting of the four loops, and can begin anywhere along the route. A good starting point is Huntington Dr. at Baldwin Ave. by Santa Anita Park. This bikeway climbs north to Wilderness Park and along Huntington Dr. the loop connects with three others within the Arcadia system. Green and white markers are spaced at quarter-mile intervals and at all changes in direction.

On this route you will find the Arboretum, Race Track, Fashion Park, Arcadia County Park, and the Santa Anita Golf Course. Traffic on Baldwin, Huntington, Santa Anita, and 1st avenues is always heavy. Use the crosswalk to negotiate left-hand turns at heavy intersections. Night riding poor and stick to northern portion during rush hour on race days. Rancho Oaks Loop Bike Route Arcadia Miles-13.3 Class-III Route Level-B Class I Bike Trails / Bike Paths Constructed exclusively for use by cyclists. Class II Bike Lanes Lane designated by painted stripe. Offer only limited protection from autos. Class III Bike Routes No division of operating areas between cars and bikes. Route Levels A-Flat B-Moderately Hilly C-Extremely Hilly ******Bike Route Researcher: Diane Roemer Source: Automobile Club of Southern California
