
Officer Deaths and Seat Belts

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The recent tragic crash of two police cars (Part I, Dec. 13) with the resultant loss of three lives (who knows whether any of these deaths might have been prevented had the officers involved been wearing seat belts) was followed by a directive from the chief of police that policemen on duty must henceforth wear seat belts.

Why must we wait until tragedy occurs before logical steps are taken to avoid needless accidental loss of life? Lives were lost in a skyscraper fire before sprinklers in all such structures were mandated. Not until after a deadly earthquake do our leaders think to discuss necessary building-code updating, which will render many unsafe buildings safer. Why must a woman in the public view develop a publicized breast cancer before mammograms are touted in the public media?

Our leaders, whether elected officials or those fortunate enough to be in positions where they can influence great numbers of persons, have a duty to inform us of avoidable dangers and to take the political steps where needed in order to diminish avoidable hazards, which can minimize loss of life and limb.



Sherman Oaks
