
Rose Parade Float Planning to Shift to Private Group

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Times Staff Writer

Although Glendale is one of the oldest participants in the Pasadena Rose Parade, the city’s official tournament committee will be the youngest involved in next week’s New Year pageant.

The Glendale Rose Float Assn., a private, nonprofit organization, will be formally born Jan. 1, replacing a city-appointed committee that has worked to support the annual pageant for 10 years.

Ruth Dodson, a veteran member of the float committee who will serve as the first president, said the new association will give the group more flexibility and improve fund-raising. In addition, the association will admit members, which she said will increase revenues.


As a city committee, the group was required to conduct public meetings, post agendas in advance, and obtain City Council permission for fund-raising events and other activities.

100-Year-Old Parade

Glendale has had an entry in the 100-year-old parade since 1910. The Parks Department has been responsible for selecting a float, which is paid for by tax dollars. The city committee was formed to help raise funds for the float after passage of the Proposition 13 tax-reduction measure in 1978.

Dodson said the committee raises between $12,000 and $40,000 each year, which is used to partially reimburse the city. About $30,000 was raised this year for the float, which depicts giant carrousel horses and a roller coaster. The animated float cost $88,000, up from about $80,000 spent on each of the previous two entries.


Members of the new group said they hope ultimately to raise enough money each year to pay for the full cost of the float. Entry in the parade “is a matter of civic pride to Glendale,” Dodson said. “Glendale has ranked near the top over the years in garnering prizes.”

The association will be governed by a 21-member board. Membership will be open to everyone at $5 for an individual, $50 for an organization and $100 for a business. “A continuing flow of bright ideas can come out of a new membership,” added Dodson, who said the group will concentrate on expanding fund raising.

The City Council will continue to have the final say in selecting the float design.
