
GovernorWill attend presidential inaugural activities in Washington...

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<i> Compiled by Jerry Gillam, Times staff writer</i>


Will attend presidential inaugural activities in Washington today through Friday.

Assembly Bill Introductions: Speech Honoraria: AB 291 by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) would prohibit state legislators from accepting all speaking fees and most gifts.

Voter Registration: AB 269 by Assemblyman Pete Chacon (D-San Diego) would allow voters to register to vote at statewide general elections on Election Day at a polling place. Similar legislation died in a Senate committee during the 1988 session.

Bonds: AB 256 by Assemblyman Charles Bader (R-Pomona) would authorize an $800-million elementary school bond issue on the June, 1990, election ballot to provide aid to local districts to build and lease more K-12 classroom facilities.


Clove Cigarettes: AB 146 by Assemblyman Richard L. Mountjoy (R-Monrovia) would outlaw the sale of clove cigarettes, blamed for lung injuries and deaths and used by some teen-agers.

Senate Bill Introductions: Death Penalty: SB 178 by Sen. James W. Neilsen (R-Rohnert Park) would extend the state’s death penalty law to cover murders committed during the commission of drug-related crimes, as requested by Gov. George Deukmejian in his State-of-the-State address.

Bonds: SB 147 by Sen. Gary Hart (D-Santa Barbara) would place a $900-million higher education bond issue on the June, 1990, election ballot to build and equip more classrooms and laboratories for California’s public universities and colleges.


Miscellany: New Deputy State Treasurer: Treasurer Thomas W. Hayes appointed B. T. Collins, 48, chief of staff to former Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., as deputy state treasurer. A Republican, Collins, 48, will be paid $85,402 in his new job, which does not require Senate confirmation.
