
High Schools : Lincoln Calls Early End to Soccer Season

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Lincoln High School has discontinued its boys’ soccer season and will forfeit the remainder of its games as the result of an incident following a game with Crawford last Friday.

“We made that decision ourselves,” said Wendell Bass, Lincoln athletic director. “We just felt that it was a serious enough situation that (it) mandated discipline.

“From my understanding, and from what we’ve been able to find out, it was mostly spectators involved, as well as a couple of players and at least one player from Crawford.”


After the game at Lincoln, won by Crawford, 7-1, a group of spectators that included Lincoln students taunted Crawford fans and players as they left the field. A Crawford player was hit on the ankle by a thrown rock.

A couple of cars were kicked and hit by rocks, Crawford Coach Wayne Rosenberger said. Bass and Rosenberger said individuals involved at each school will be disciplined individually.

“We appreciate their position they’ve taken of not tolerating the actions of their spectators and players,” said Jan Jessop, assistant commissioner in charge of soccer for the San Diego Section. “It was a gutsy call on their part.”
