
Post Cards Are Going High-Tech as Travel Videos

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Post cards have for decades been the preferred method by which travelers send greetings to friends and family back home. But technology has introduced a new method of staying in touch: VidiCards.

VidiCards are individually created travel videos, produced aboard American Hawaii Cruises’ Independence and Constitution by VideoCard Productions of Honolulu.

Each tape, 25 minutes long, begins with eight minutes on a typical week’s activities aboard ship, narrated by the captain and a cruise director. Next comes a five-minute segment starring the VidiCard senders talking on camera about their cruise and sending their personal message to those back home.


Next is 14 minutes on up to seven shore excursions, selected by the passengers themselves, using scenes chosen from 41 activities ashore that are offered by the cruise line, such as helicopter rides over Kauai, other sightseeing and excursions. The VidiCards cost $39.95 each and delivery within three weeks is guaranteed.

Besides making VidiCards available to individual travelers, American Hawaii Cruises is developing a system for travel agents to purchase the VidiCards as bon voyage gifts for their clients.

“A VidiCard has the potential to become the most popular bon voyage gift of all,” Fred Bradenberg, manager of passenger services for the cruise line, said.


“A bottle of champagne disappears quickly, fruit is eaten and flowers eventually wilt. A VidiCard, on the other hand, lasts forever. Clients will thank their travel agent every time they watch it.”
