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1921-25--Reza Khan, a soldier born in a village who rose to command of Persia’s major military unit, overthrows government. Later, he forces Qajar Dynasty ruler, Ahmed Shah, to abdicate. Reza Khan becomes shah, or king, changing family name to Pahlavi and calling himself Reza Shah. Changes Persia’s name to Iran.

1939-44--Reza Shah flirts with Nazi Germany. British, Soviets invade, force him to abdicate. His son, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ascends to Peacock Throne in 1941. Reza Shah dies in exile.

1951-53--Iranian nationalist leader Mohammed Mossadegh becomes prime minister and nationalizes British-owned oil industry. Rightist elements aided by CIA overthrow Mossadegh.


1975-77--Shah dissolves two-party system; opposition to monarchy intensifies, led by political liberals and Islamic conservatives.

1979-80--Following violent street demonstrations and failure of succession of shah-appointed governments to keep peace, monarch flees country. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns from exile to establish Muslim fundamentalist regime. Deposed shah dies in Egypt.

1980-89--Shah’s son Reza Pahlavi, eldest of four children, proclaims himself Shah Reza II at age 20. Now living in United States, he is focal point of Iranian exiles who seek to restore monarchy.
